Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bear Encounters

I can't believe this anti-bear policy in Aspen.  We have been an important part of the community and should be welcomed everywhere.  But this idea of trying to scare us away when we're just hanging out is just wrong.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Good luck, Muffin!

Muffin is taking her LSAT this weekend and we all wish her good luck.  Juan, who also coached Elle Woods, is confident that his latest student will make him proud.

Friday, September 25, 2009

What's with Gus?

Gus is a PRL (plastic robot lizard) who is widely misunderstood.  His excellent dancing skills make him a favorite in the forest kingdom.  The Mouse does not like Gus and often relegates him to a remote location.  However, Gus ultimately salsas back to his friends.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Who is The Wedding Bear?

My blog's home page features a picture of The Wedding Bear.  Many of you have asked me who this is.  The Wedding Bear was a gift by Muffin to Squel and The Mouse at their nuptuals.  He was the first bear in the den and all bears (including me) owe their presence here to him.

He married Lauren Gold and they had a child, Avi the Avacado.  The pairing of a bear and a doll resulting in the production of a fruit!  That marriage was dissolved when it was discovered that Lauren Gold was nothing but a hunk of air-filled plastic and Avi was actually adopted (actually harvested). 

Visit Vermont Teddy Bear

One of my favorite places to visit is Vermont Teddy Bear.  You will find many of my furry friends and relatives there.

You can never go wrong sending one of us as a gift to help bring joy and happiness to anyone at anytime.  We are also excellent business bears and have expertise in ridding homes of evil dolls.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meet my family

At the right is my lovely wife, Mrs. TB. She is holding our son, FB. We are sitting in my favorite chair at home.

Mrs. TB is an excellent cook. My favorite dish is her honey-glazed salmon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I buried Lauren Gold in the backyard

It was a glorious day in the forest kingdom. The doll lies beneath the rancid earth. Maggots would her but she's made of plastic.

Perhaps I shall post scenes from this "Excellent Adventure" ???????

My first post

This is my first blog post. As leader of the forest kingdom, I'm happy to announce that we will be entering the web world.